With this slogan, this year “The Fount of Wisdom, Magtymguly Pyragy, on December 7, an ecological event - a mass planting tree seedlings organized by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, with the participation of pupils and their teachers from the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Dowletliler Koshgi of the United Arab Emirates in Ashgabat was held. This event was also a unique labor holiday, and it gained wide popularity.
The main goal of this highly organized ecological event - mass planting of tree seedlings held with the participation of pupils and their teachers of Dovletliler Koshgi in Ashgabat is to achieve the active participation of the younger generation in important activities carried out within the framework of the state ecological policy, which is being successfully implemented in our beloved Motherland under the leadership of our Honorable President Arkadagly Hero Serdar, to provide young people with high-quality ecological education and to develop a sophisticated ecological culture in them, to create ecological well-being in our country, to foster pride and love for the beautiful nature of our beloved Motherland and the sacred Turkmen land, our natural resources, to direct young people to the professions.
As it is known, in the Revival Epoch of the New Era of the Powerful State, one of the important priorities of state policy in Independent, Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan is to protect the natural environment, to ensure ecological well-being, to use natural resources rationally, and to provide the necessary conditions for each citizen to live in an ecologically clean and healthy environment. As our Esteemed President Arkadagly Hero Serdar emphasized: “The main goal of the state ecological policy pursued in our country is to ensure that the Turkmen people live in a clean environment, use our natural resources effectively, enrich our flora and fauna, preserve our beautiful nature, and transfer it to our future generations in more beautiful form.” Mass planting of tree seedlings on the sacred Turkmen land and turning this land into beautiful gardens also play a very important role in this area.
In accordance with the specific goals and clear objectives set out in the “National Forestry Program of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025” and the “National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate Change (reviewed version), as a result of the widely expanded programmatic measures to turn the country into beautiful gardens, beautiful trees and flowers are growing our cities and villages.
Mass planting of tree seedlings held in the golden autumn season of the year “The Fount of Wisdom, Magtymguly Pyragy” on November 9, with the participation our Esteemed President Arkadagly Hero Serdar and with His blessing clearly demonstrated the large-scale work is being carried out in this important area. A lot of fruit trees, shady and fir trees, ornamental flowers and other plants’ seedlings and seeds were planted throughout our country in a mass and organized at a high level.
It is worthy that the planting of tree seedlings is approached on a scientific point of view, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of the regions of our country. Such noble measures have a positive impact on the improvement and accomplishment of the environment, and ultimately on the improvement of the living standards of the population. The ecological well-being of the environment is the well-being of the world, the guarantee of a happy life for humanity.
In His wonderful book “Continuation of the Meaning of My Life,” which was gifted to us by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlines about the benefits of planting seedlings, creating gardens and their good deeds and importance in the upbringing of generations: “Planting trees is a national tradition of our people. Our ancestors always planted tree seedlings where they were going to build a new house. A tree is considered to be a source of abundance. It is said that the more tree seedlings are grown, the more prosperity and abundance of that hearth and place will increase. We are carrying out large-scale work to turn the country into a garden, to keep the natural environment beautiful and clean, and to develop ecological education among young people.”
In order to form and develop a high ecological culture, which is one of the important tasks of society and scientific and technological progress, the younger generation is provided with continuous theoretical and practical education and upbringing in schools and mass media on environmental protection and ensuring ecological well-being.
It should be noted that in accordance with the goals and task set out in the “Concept of Transition to Twelve-Year General Secondary Education in Turkmenistan”, approved by the relevant Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, the introduction of the subject ecology in grades 11-12 of our comprehensive schools is of great importance in providing the younger generation with detailed ecological education and forming in them a high ecological culture. It is a pride that talented schoolchildren, with their ecological project (creative) works on various topics, have successfully performed at state and international competitions and consistently won prizes.
In the mass planting tree seedlings event held at Dovletliler Koshgi, more than 1,200 fruit trees, shady and fir trees, ornamental flowers and young seedlings of trees were planted on the sacred Turkmen land with the participation of the children raised here and their teachers. Among them are seedlings of valuable fruit trees such as apple, pear, blackcurrant, cherry, walnut, as well as subtropical fruits such as lemon, tangerine, orange, and beautiful flowering ornamental plants such as rose, paulownia, and clematis. Days, months, and years will pass, but in our new historical era, these young seedlings, planted with endless love and boundless devotion on the sacred Turkmen land, will grow and bear their fruit. Today’s happy children raised at the Dovletliler Koshgi will proudly remember Dovletliler Koshgi that they left such a wonderful monument to Turkmen nature when they grew up.
The introduction of drip irrigation for newly planted tree seedlings is a clear example of the success and practical implementation of our state’s great efforts to rationally use of water, which is considered the source of life, a source of livelihood, and a valuable natural resource in a climate of global change.
It should be noted that teachers and students of S.A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University, one of the famous higher educational institutions of our country, and scientific workers of the National Institute of Education of Turkmenistan also actively participated in the ecological event held in connection with the mass planting of tree seedlings in the Dovletliler Koshgi. They provided valuable information and advice to the pupils and their teachers of the Dovletliler Koshgi about the biological and ecological characteristics of various types of fruit and ornamental trees, agrotechnical rules for caring for them, and their benefits in nature and in human life. This is of great importance in establishing teacher-student relationships.
The mass planting of tree seedlings held at the Dovletli Koshgi was in an open-air, friendly ecology lesson for the children who bringing up here. During this lesson, the children learned valuable and new knowledge about each type of fruit and shady trees planted with great devotion and boundless love to the sacred Turkmen land, their biology and ecology, agricultural techniques, the importance of gardening for human health and the ecological well-being of the environment, and the important conditions for ensuring it. The children improved their labor skills. They received answers to questions that interested them about the relationship between man and nature. They inspired by their pleasant impressions and subtle feelings arising from the amazing beauty created by human hands and labor and transferred them to paper and created wonderful paintings.
Pupils who actively participated in this ecological event were presented with celebratory gifts prepared by the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan in a solemn atmosphere.
The participants of the ecological event expressed their sincere gratitude to our Honorable President Arkadagly Hero Serdar and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahty of Turkmenistan our Hero Arkadag for their great efforts to turn our beloved Motherland into a wonderful place of gardens, flowers and ecological well-being, to further enrich the unique, beautiful nature of our country, as well as to implement the National Forestry Program of Turkmenistan. They wished them great success and sound health in their state initiatives which are implementing to follow the noble principles and traditions of our brave people in the Revival Epoch of the New Era of the Powerful State, and to further prosperity of our beloved Motherland.
Sapargeldi DURDYEV,
Director of the Department of the National Institute
of Education of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Biology
744000, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Baktyarlyk etrap, Magtymguly avenue, 136 house
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