A solemn ceremony of awarding certificates to specialists who successfully graduated from the specialized training center "Diplomatic Protocol" was held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
The university's training center has completed the training of personnel specializing in the field of diplomacy and international relations for the fourth time. For two months, classes were held for students of the training course based on special programs prepared taking into account the many years of experience of representatives of foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations in our country, the National Diplomatic Service of Turkmenistan, as well as mentors-diplomats of the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.Representatives of the Ministry of Education congratulated the center on the successful completion of the graduate training course.
Turkmenistan and the Institute of International Relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. In Turkmenistan, great attention is paid to improving and strengthening the human resources potential of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, comprehensive training of high-level diplomats capable of adequately representing the interests of our country in the international arena. Our country's participation in reputable international organizations is steadily and purposefully expanding.
The activities of the specialized training center "Diplomatic Protocol", which opened at the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country on February 18, 2024 year in honor of the Day of Diplomatic Workers of Turkmenistan, are designed to contribute to solving these tasks. In less than a year, the center has trained and graduated four streams of specialists for the country's diplomatic service.
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