At cotton-cleaning enterprises, the primary products of cotton processing include fiber, seeds, and fiber waste. Cotton fiber and fiber waste are considered the main raw materials for the textile industry. The textbook on cotton products quality control covers the basic principles and methods used in cotton-cleaning enterprises, as well as the theoretical foundations of cotton processing, methods for improving product quality, and measures for introducing the products to the global market.
In recent years, significant progress has been made in the development of the cotton-cleaning industry in Turkmenistan. To ensure the timely and lossless receipt and storage of cotton, reception points have been established across the country. These points allow for the timely receipt and storage of cotton during the harvest season. The quality of the final product depends on how well the cotton is processed and prepared.
This textbook on cotton products quality control introduces students to the operations of cotton-cleaning enterprises, the theoretical foundations of efficient cotton processing, methods for improving cotton quality, and the use of quality control devices at reception points. The book is intended for students of agricultural specialties, teachers, agricultural workers, and a wide audience of interested readers.
S.A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University
Read also: Turkmenistan Altyn asyr
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