To increase the production of silk products and process them at an industrial level, technologies and equipment that meet global standards are being used. New enterprises are being opened to establish proper seed production practices. These issues are being addressed in collaboration with foreign experts. One of the key conditions for the development of sericulture is the development of the food base for the silkworm — the mulberry tree.
Our country has all the natural conditions for expanding mulberry plantations. The preparation of highly qualified specialists for the development of sericulture is one of the crucial tasks. The significance of high-quality education and scientific research in sericulture at the S.A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University is paramount in solving this important issue.
The main purpose of writing this book is to improve the training of specialists who can contribute to the development of the sericulture industry, organize production at a high level, increase its profitability, and contribute to the growth of sericulture in the agricultural sector of our country.
The textbook "Initial Processing of Silk and Quality Control of Silk Raw Materials" includes information on the structural features of cocoons, sorting of raw and dried silk, the physico-chemical composition and quality, the acceptance of raw silk, safety rules during the initial processing of silk, and the acceptance of dried silk at silk weaving factories. The book is intended for students, teachers, and researchers at agricultural universities, as well as specialists working in the field of sericulture.
S.A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University
744000, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Baktyarlyk etrap, Magtymguly avenue, 136 house
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