As emphasized by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero Arkadag: “Our country, relying on the energy, strength, and spiritual greatness of its people, like the giant heroes of fairy tales, quickly overcomes obstacles and difficulties.” It is evident that mass media, oriented toward market relations, occupies a worthy place in the socio-economic development of our beloved Motherland.
In the textbook “Basics of Advertising,” prepared by senior lecturer of the Department of Journalism at Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Honored Journalist of Turkmenistan Agamyrat Mämmedov, and published by the Turkmen State Publishing House, information is provided about the essence of advertising policy, one of the important directions of the mass media’s activities, its features, and structure. A characterization of the importance of advertising, its types, and resources is also given.
This textbook, based on international teaching practices in journalism, internet materials, as well as scientific works by Turkmen authors, enables students to acquire knowledge aimed at developing skills for conducting modern and thoughtful media work in these areas.
This book, published based on the tasks set by our National Leader, Hero Arkadag, and Hero Serdar, in preparing textbooks and training modern specialists, is intended for students and teachers of the journalism specialty, as well as for employees of newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. Specialists interested in advertising activities will also find useful information in this book.
Magtymguly Turkmen State University
744000, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Baktyarlyk etrap, Magtymguly avenue, 136 house
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