Large-scale activities are being carried out in order to increase the love of schoolchildren of our country for the environment and nature, to improve their creative skills, and to develop ecological culture. For this purpose, the plan of activities to be held together with general education schools during the year 2025 at the S.A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University was approved. Accordingly, the International Year of Peace and Trust organizes school trips to the Botanical Garden during the winter holidays in January.
On January 10, the children of the Döwletliler Palace in the capital visited the Botanical Garden. Specialists, scientific workers and professors of the garden told the students interestingly about the departments of the Botanical Garden, the trees, flowers and plants that were brought to our country from abroad and adapted to the local soil and weather conditions. They presented the results of the research project "Ornithofauna and Ecology of the Botanical Garden" conducted at the Turkmen Agricultural University. The exotic plants, including ficus, palms, and banana greenhouses made a big impression on the children. Along with species that have already gone into hibernation and are now shedding their leaves, the presence of trees that are just turning green, leafing, blossoming and fruiting allows you to observe the beauty of the four seasons here. The children of the Döwletliler Palace said that they learned a lot of things related to ecology and nature during the very interesting trip and wished to come back to the Botanical Garden, where they took a photo.
In accordance with the mentioned plan, during this year, among the students of general education schools of the country, holding olympiads on ecology and other subjects, advocacy on the development of environmental culture, creative meetings, the National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate Change, the National Forest Program of Turkmenistan, a creative competition for making mosaics from flowers, a talent competition called "I love nature", trips to the Animal World Museum, greenhouse complex, laboratories of the Turkmen Agricultural University. It is planned to organize a special lesson under the name «Kimde-kim bir agaç ekse ýadygär,//Dünýä kitabynda onuň ady bar» and a creative competition for writing poems, stories, and presentations in praise of the beauty of Turkmen nature.
the head of the Young Scientists Council of the
S.A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University
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