On January 11, 2025, the agreement between Russia and Belarus on mutual visa recognition, signed in June 2020, came into force. This opens up new opportunities for citizens of foreign states, including citizens of Turkmenistan, traveling through the territories of these countries.
The agreement allows foreign citizens, including Turkmen citizens, who have received a visa from one of the countries (Russia or Belarus), to freely cross the border between them without the need to obtain an additional visa. For example, with a Russian visa, a citizen of Turkmenistan will be able to visit Belarus and vice versa.
How will Turkmen citizens holding a visa from one country (Russia or Belarus) be able to take advantage of the agreement
For tourists, students, and entrepreneurs from Turkmenistan planning trips to Russia or Belarus, this simplifies travel between the countries. Entry is possible through international border crossing points, as well as directly via established international rail and air routes, and by road routes listed in the Annex to the Agreement. Currently, the Agreement provides for six such sections: Yukhovichy – Doloscy (Opochka – Novopolotsk), Yezerishche – Nevel (Kyiv – Saint Petersburg), Liozno – Kruglovka (Vitebsk – Smolensk), Redki – Krasnaya Gorka (Minsk – Moscow), Zvenchatka – Dubovichka (Bobruisk – Moscow), Selishche – Novozybkov (Gomel – Bryansk).
The document notes that persons who enter, exit, stay, and/or transit through the territories of Belarus and Russia in a visa regime and hold a visa from one of the two countries, as well as an identity document recognized by both states, acquire the right to enter, exit, stay, transit through the territories of both states for the duration of such a visa.
Each party reserves the right to refuse entry or shorten the duration of stay on its territory for any foreign citizen or stateless person, as well as to verify their compliance with the rules of entry, exit, transit, or stay.
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