Specialists from the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi are working on translating Turkmen folk tales into foreign languages. This was reported by the electronic newspaper, this was reported by the IIC of Turkmenistan.
The Turkmen State Publishing Service has published three collections - "The World of Fairy Tales", "Once Upon a Time..." and "The Fruit of Friendship". All of them are available in the country's bookstores and can be a good souvenir for foreign guests interested in Turkmen culture. The pages of the books are decorated with bright illustrations that help visualize the rich world of Turkmen legends.
The translators preserve the original meaning of the tales, adapting them for readers in foreign countries. The stories have been translated into Russian, English, Chinese, Arabic, Italian, German, and French. This contributes to strengthening cultural ties between peoples and is in line with the motto of 2025 - “International Year of Peace and Trust”.
Read also: ORIENT news
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