On the occasion of the year 2025 - the Year of International Peace and Trust, the online seminar "Year of International Peace and Trust: Cooperation for the Benefit of Improving the Education System" organized by the Secretariat of the National Commission of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, and with the participation of UNESCO departments, clubs, and schools that are members of the Associated Schools Network of our country, was a fruitful meeting that comprehensively revealed the essence of the peace policy of our Independent, Permanent Neutral Turkmenistan, and discussed the ideas, proposals, and questions of UNESCO members regarding cooperation for the benefit of improving the education system.
Speaking at the conference, Executive Secretary of the National Committee of Turkmenistan for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Hero of Turkmenistan Ch. Rustemova noted that the Year of International Peace and Trust was a year of great achievements, and gave a detailed account of the results of the work carried out in our country's cooperation with the UN based on the principles of UNESCO, the achievements achieved, and the tasks ahead.
There were also impressive speeches on topics such as "Educational reforms aimed at global peace, prosperity, and sustainable development", "Improving the work of the national network of UNESCO Associated Schools in Turkmenistan and using leading international practices", and their content, based on the state initiatives of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero Arkadag, and the fruits of our increasingly flourishing Neutrality thanks to the unparalleled efforts of our Esteemed President, and the content of wise books that have become wisdom boxes for UNESCOists, created a unique harmony and left a great impression on the audience.
Participants of the online seminar entitled "Year of International Peace and Trust: Cooperation for the Benefit of Improving the Education System" concluded the seminar with proud comments on the 30th anniversary of our Neutrality, which will be celebrated in our country, and expressed their gratitude to the National Leader and the Esteemed President for paving the way for our successful path for Turkmenistan – UNESCO.
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