The deeply meaningful book “Jewel of the Mind”, by our Hero Arkadag, serves as an inexhaustible source for students in studying our rich history and principles of statehood. Because it vividly describes the glorious path of our people stretching back into the depths of centuries, the humanistic principles of our wise ancestors, and the destinations of our glorious history. On April 10, 2025, a competition “Jewel of the Mind – Pearl of words” will be held among students of higher educational institutions of our country on the information described in the book “Jewel of the Mind” by our Hero Arkadag.
The main goal of the competition is to develop noble qualities such as humanism, patriotism, and high humanity in student youth based on the information presented in the works of our scientist Arkadag, to deepen students' knowledge using the opportunities provided in the scientific and educational system, to increase students' reading habits, and to help students become perfect individuals by further expanding their worldview through reading books.
We would like to express our deep gratitude to our Hero Arkadag, our Arkadagly Hero Serdar, who are doing great work in the development of the scientific and educational system in our country. May the souls of our Hero Arkadag, our Arkadagly Hero Serdar be healthy and long life, and prosperity.
May the pencil of our Hero Arkadag, who delights our people with his wise works, be creative, and may there be many more wonderful works!
Bostan Chakanova
Secretary-Publisher of the
International horse breeding academy named after Aba Annayev
744000, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Baktyarlyk etrap, Magtymguly avenue, 136 house
Takyk ulgam. All rights reserved. 2024